Newsletters 2024


This week we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I was praying this week the Lord highlighted to me what a great victory He has won by accomplishing what He did on the cross and through raising from the dead ~ and all that His great victory holds for us. Hallelujah!

Since Jesus won the ultimate battle...over death, and rose from the grave, we too, who are in Him, also conquer death, and so much more - such as: we can now have a close, intimate relationship with Father God, because the spotless shed blood of Jesus cleanses us of the sins that were a barrier between us and a holy God. We can be born again, new creatures, and confident of spending eternal life in Heaven with God, because of Jesus Chirist's shed blood on the cross, which provides the necessary, pure blood sacrifice for the atonement of our sins.

We can be strong even though we're weak (2 Cor. 12:9), we have the same power that rose Jesus from the grave available to us. We become royalty - kings and priests on the earth (1 Peter 2:9). We become chosen (1 Peter 2:10), adopted into God's family (Eph. 1:4-5). We have authority over evil works and demons (Luke 10:19). We have the power within us to heal the sick and raise the dead (Matthew 10:8). We learn about forgiveness and are given the faith to forgive others. We're free from shame and remorse. We're free to be who God created us to be, knowing that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and are fully, eternally loved.

We have great purposes to fulfill. We become salt and light in this world. We have supernatural protection, and a Heavenly Provider. We're given a helper, Holy Spirit, to help us with all things. We become seated in the heavenlies with Christ (Eph. 2:6). The Spirit of God comes to live inside of us. We get to become a part of the worldwide body of Christ and of church families. We now have the best intercessor ever (Hebrews 7:25). We're given abundant life (John 10:10). We also become overcomers, and even more than conquerors. We get to partake of all of these beautiful, Heavenly blessings because of the amazing victory that Jesus won for us when he humbled Himself to the point of death and then rose from the grave. Praise God!! I pray that you all have a glorious celebration this week of what He's done for us.

Following are some of the victories that He's helped us to win in Kenya over the past couple of months. Thank you so much for helping us to achieve them. Asante sana!

“’Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:54-57


Since we've been talking about victory I'll start with a report on the progress with our Victorious Soccer Academy. We're so grateful to have been able to buy 16 soccer uniforms for the team. We'll need a few more as there are 20 kids on the team but it's a real blessing to be able to buy that many with the help of a friend who came to visit us almost 2 years ago.

We've also been able to join a soccer league for the 11 and under age group and a tournament for the older ones. The kids love playing on the team and are doing a great job. Everything we do is ministry so we're always teaching them Godly values in all we do.

Our coaches include a boy who I rescued from the streets in 2012 and the boy who connected us with the league is another boy who was rescued from the streets in 2012. Here are some photos and videos of them. Pray for them for great seasons in their tournaments if you can. I tell them that win or lose the games, they are always victorious because of Jesus in them. I know they'll be happy if they win matches too. Here are videos of them:

Juliet and the Victorious Soccer Academy of Kibera say Thank You for the new uniforms


As far as we know we have the only church in the Kibera slum, and maybe even Nairobi, that's made up of a congregation of children. Over 100 children continue to attend and it's a wonderful time. We recently added a third group, for the older teens. God continues to show up and bless us in wondrous ways.

There was a service when each of us who taught and preached talked about salvation, and 11 kids got saved at the end of the service. The presence of God has been tangible and great. Holy Communion times have been powerful. Simiyu, who is in university in Meru, loves to lead in communion, and usually travels 5 hrs. each way to the Center & back from school for the weekend to administer communion at church.

He also witnesses to his fellow university students regularly, and sometimes preaches at the campus CU, or Christian Union.

Please keep him in prayer, God is using him mightily. Someone recently cut his soccer shoes so we had to get new ones. Another time he seemed to be under witchcraft suddenly and could barely see but we prayed and it broke off of him. For soccer he only wears a jersey that he had made and says "Christ is Lord." And he's been a top scorer and MVP.

At times children come to us for prayers for healing and to break curses off of them. One boy who we prayed for was suffering from sickle cell anemia. He came to us with his mom and brother and was very weak. When we prayed for him, the Lord said that not only would he be healed but that he would flourish, and that is just what we've witnessed, as he now plays on the soccer team and is very active, and happy.

Another boy came to us one day saying that his mom told him to come to church for prayer as he was having a problem where he would see a snake, in the spirit I guess, and then start to wander around the streets. As it's written in Isaiah 60:2, "For behold, darkness will cover the earth and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will rise upon you & His glory will appear upon you." The time we're in is very dark, but God's glory consumes the darkness.

We praise Him for the workings of His glorious wonders! For healing people and setting them free from all of the works of the enemy. Please keep our amazing workers in your prayers and the children and their families.

A video of a beautiful time of taking holy communion with our kids at church. Simiyu travels home from university once a month to do this with the kids, he loves it.

“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 1:19-21


As I write this now, it's 8pm in Kenya and Melckzedeck (who came off of the streets in 2012) has gone back to town in Eldoret to try to rescue a boy so that he won't sleep on the street tonight.

We've been working on removing him from the street for a while but since we don't have a facility we haven't had a place for him to stay. Recently things have gotten more dangerous on the street. They say 32 children have gone missing in this area lately. I'll attach news stories about it below. Street kids have also been getting beaten often lately by officials and others. So we really need to get him off of the street asap. We managed to rescue another boy recently and successfully place him with his sister until the next term of school starts in May. Then we can enroll both of them into a boarding school. Please pray for these kids. There is a high population of street children in this area for some reason.

Update: Today, Melckzedeck, visited a Calvary Chapel church pastor in Eldoret who comes from the area I'm currently in, and they're talking about taking the boy in who we're trying to get off of the street. It was amazing how I found out about that project a few weeks ago, just up the street from where I'm staying. God is so great! New update: we've all been able to restore him to his mom's house again. Hallelujah!


Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to Tree of Life at the end of 2023 and helped us pay lots of school fees for kids, from the slum and the street. God bless you all. We even managed to enroll 3 boys from the slum into boarding high schools. It's a bit expensive to get students started in boarding school and pay the 1st term fees but God helped us! So we now have 7 kids in high school, and 4 in university/college. There are 2 more boys who we rescued years ago who attend university and are sponsored by others. So we have 24 kids in school as well as others who we help with various fees on occasion. And we'll need to pay school fees for the 2 boys who we just rescued in Eldoret.

And it's almost back to school time already, as the kids will be breaking by next week for the April school holiday. They'll then return to school at the beginning of May, so we need to raise enough money to pay for term 2 fees. One reason we were able to help so many at the beginning of the year was that the value of the Kenyan shilling dropped to it's lowest point ever then, which enabled us to help even more. For term 2, at the beginning of May, we'll need $2,000 to cover the school fees. Thank you again so much for your help for term 1. If anyone would like to help us meet term 2 fees, giving information can be found at the bottom of this newsletter. Thank you very much.


Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to Tree of Life at the end of 2023 and helped us pay lots of school fees for kids, from the slum and the street. God bless you all. We even managed to enroll 3 boys from the slum into boarding high schools. It's a bit expensive to get students started in boarding school and pay the 1st term fees but God helped us! So we now have 7 kids in high school, and 4 in university/college. There are 2 more boys who we rescued years ago who attend university and are sponsored by others. So we have 24 kids in school as well as others who we help with various fees on occasion. And we'll need to pay school fees for the 2 boys who we just rescued in Eldoret.

And it's almost back to school time already, as the kids will be breaking by next week for the April school holiday. They'll then return to school at the beginning of May, so we need to raise enough money to pay for term 2 fees. One reason we were able to help so many at the beginning of the year was that the value of the Kenyan shilling dropped to it's lowest point ever then, which enabled us to help even more. For term 2, at the beginning of May, we'll need $2,000 to cover the school fees. Thank you again so much for your help for term 1. If anyone would like to help us meet term 2 fees, giving information can be found at the bottom of this newsletter. Thank you very much.



I recently returned to the US where I'll spend time with my mom and others for a bit before returning to Kenya. I'll also get to submit my taxes, work on organizational matters and see the doctor some. I'm feeling good overall 🙌🏽🙌🏽 and thank God for that. I got sick in Kenya again this last time, with parasites and bacterial infection, but recovered well eventually. Thank you very much for your prayers and love and support. I'd be very happy to meet up with any of you and/or speak at churches and meetings. I love doing that.

Below are photos of a couple of wonderful church families where I've been blessed to speak. Thank you again very much for everything. God bless you!


You are tremendous blessings to our Tree of Life family and every soul we reach in Kenya. God is great! He loves you all so much! Jesus has a huge heart for the outcast and the vulnerable and needy. Thank you for extending your hands in giving and prayer so that we can extend ours with help in Kenya. God bless you all! I'll add a few more photos to the end to tell a bit more of God's recent stories in Kenya. We love you! Happy Holy Week to you all.
In His grace, hope and love,


(All donations are tax-deductible for US tax payers.)
By PayPal -
Venmo - @TreeofLife-Kenya
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Checks can be sent to:
Tree of Life Foundation
P.O. Box 640
Bridgeton, MO 63044 USA


Simyu and Evans say “Asante”

May 4th 2022

A video thank you from two of our young men, as well as some other updates.
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He’s Still the God of Hope

March 28th 2022

Graduations, street ministry downtown and other updates from our center in Kenya.
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It’s Giving Tuesday

Nov 30th 2021

‘Tis the perfect season to sow into the work of God of helping the most poor and vulnerable in the East African country of Kenya.
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Happy Thanksgiving from Tree of Life

Nov 25th 2021

The children, teenagers and families in our Overcomers, EAT and UTWA programs in the biggest slum in Africa are very grateful for everyone who contributes to Tree of Life, through prayers, finances, and in each and every wonderful way.
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A Great Light

Nov 8th 2021

Some exciting outreach ministries, but some tragedies also.
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Back to Africa

September 18th 2021

Tammy heads back to Africa after helping after a Louisiana hurricane. This newsletter includes a very special video message from Tammy.
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In Him – We Win

July 19th 2021

New staff, more kids in school and an exciting ministry opportunity.View Newsletter

Love That Lasts Forever

March 18th 2021

We’re starting 2021 off with love and hope. View Newsletter

Now More Than Ever

November 28th 2020

Updates on our center in Kibera during the time of COVID. View Newsletter

Fruit in Every Season

August 13th 2020

Updates on our center in Kibera during the time of COVID. View Newsletter

Kneeling in the Sewer

March 14th 2020

Success in the lives of our students, new boys in our community and blessings through the new year. View Newsletter

Merry Christmas!

December 20th 2019

Graduations, baptisms and a new puppy. View Newsletter

A Hope That Doesn’t Dissapoint

November 6th 2019

Physical healings and the hope that is in Christ. View Newsletter

Jesus Changes People!

June 15th 2019

The transformations are evident, and only through the grace of God. View Newsletter

Dreaming with God!

March 7th 2019

A visit to Maasailand, new wheels and more boys off the street. View Newsletter

New Horizons for a New Year!

December 27th 2018

A new year with the Tree of Life Foundation. View Newsletter