Fruit that Lasts
“In the middle of its street and of the river, on this side and on that side, was a tree of life, producing twelve fruits, yielding its fruit according to each month; and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” Revelation 22:2
Here at Tree of Life we celebrate that the Lord is helping us to produce fruit and bring healing to the nation of Kenya! It is a miraculous and Heavenly thing to be a part of and witness, as watch Him bring in more and more street children and transform not only their lives, but the lives of their families as well and their communities. We praise God for that!
In John 15:16 Jesus says, “You did not choose Me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit-fruit that will remain-so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.” As we lean on Him and trust Him to bear the fruit He desires in the vineyard we’re working in, we see Him produce everlasting fruit. This fruit won’t be burnt up in fire as it’s not wrought by human will or ambition. As we spend intimate time with Him and allow Him to cultivate His work through us, by the guidance of His Spirit, we get to see Him do exceedingly, abundantly above anything we can ask or think of.
Some of that fruit we’ve seen recently at the work of Tree of Life, in association with Sheltering Wings, in Kenya, is more young people leaving the streets to work towards a better life, and ultimately fulfilling the purpose and destiny that Father God has on their lives. We are so grateful for this. It’s also a joyful thing to witness the former street boys and girl who have been with us for some years thrive in the endeavors they’re involved in.
Two of our former street children are #2 in their class, one has been receiving distinctions in technical school. At least 4 of them are prefects in their class (a student leader), one teaches the Bible to others in his class, 4 are amazing footballers (or soccer players), one of them is captain of his school soccer team. Most importantly though, they’re all falling in love with Jesus from what we see. They’re making an effort to learn about Him and follow Him. They’re all active in the church youth group and church. We praise God to see what He’s done in their lives. God is faithful, and will complete the work that He’s started in them (Philippians 1:6). He will continue to till and prune the branches of His vine (John 15:5).
We now have 15 young people in our program who have left the street and are studying in school. Father God loves His kids so much, and is a good, good Father!
Two of the newest boys to join the program are Peter and Benjamin. Peter came to the feeding program one day sick with pneumonia, which caused him to help us find his mom. She lives in the Kibera slum and often just didn’t have enough food for him, so he left to try to make his way on the street. She is very happy for him to receive help.
Benjamin came to feeding program one day with a broken ankle after being hit by a car. We took him to a clinic and he was given a cast. We then were able to find his mom who lives just up the street from us. His estranged dad had confused him and caused him to run away from his mom and go to the streets. She had been praying for him to change and leave the streets. She cried to see that he was getting help. He’s now in school.
Thank you for your contributions to help us make it possible for these precious young lives to be transformed. They are treasures. Our needs to make this possible are many. To put these two boys in school cost $500, and school fees is owed for them for a little over $300. Your donations will help us to keep all of the programs running smoothly – the rescue center, feeding program, school supplies and fees. If you wish to give there is a donate button on this site or you can give through PayPal, we are a registered charity with them, at treeoflifemilele@gmail.com.
Asante sana! Thank you very much, be very blessed!
Its nice to know that no one is so lost that they cant be found by someone who is being guided by Jesus. Bless you Tammy and here is hoping people will rush forward to help you get these precious ones off the streets and into school so that they can start fulfilling God’s plans for their lives.