Glimpses of God’s Glory in Kenya
At the Angela Rescue Center in Kenya we’re seeing Psalm 96:3 lived out. It says “Tell of His glory among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.”
In Kenya we’re seeing His glory and telling people about it. God IS glorious! One way, I believe, that we see His glory here on earth is through the wonderful things that He does in our lives. The times when he shows up and touches people, influences circumstances, or heals our bodies, we experience God, and His glory.
At the Angela Rescue Center we’ve seen God bring more street boys to our feeding program over the past two months. An average of 10 boys come twice per week to eat, learn the Word of God, bathe, wash their clothes, receive medical care, and sometimes new clothes. Our prayer is that they’ll decide to come off of the streets, like the former street kids we help, and let us help them go to school. With this group it seems that their habit of huffing glue has thus far prevented them from making the decision to leave life on the streets behind them. They can use prayer to help them fight addiction and step into the destiny that the Lord has for them.
Another glorious thing that we praise God for is our former street kids progressing through school. The Lord continues to provide the finances to help 11 former street kids fulfill their dreams of going to school. Two more have entered high school this year, which is quite an expense in Kenya, so we’re very grateful to be able to see them fulfill their education dreams. One of the kids who graduated on to high school this January scored so good on his 8th grade exit exam, that he was awarded a spot in a provincial school. He’s now finished the first term of the school and achieved very high marks. We are proud of him and we know that Jesus is too!
One place where we love to see God’s glory is in His creation. I think we would all agree that nature is a definitely great place to receive revelation of just how great, creative, intelligent, fun, loving and glorious our God is. So we sent our former street kids on an outing to the Nairobi National Park for a game drive. Nairobi is the only city in the world with a game park in the city limits. The kids were thrilled and inspired as they witnessed some of God’s amazing creatures, such as zebras, bison and lions, up close.
And on the same day, the kids managed to find time to do a bit of their own creating, as they laid concrete and pieces of stone tiles on the front porch of the Centre. They beautified the outdoor “shower” floor with the concrete and tiles too.
And here in the good ol’ US of A, the Lord has opened doors for me to spread the good news of how He is spreading His glory in Kenya. In Arizona I was blessed to be able to be a guest on the Embassy of Hope internet/cable TV show with Tina Michelle. Tina Michelle is an actual emissary for certain UN projects, and a lover of Jesus. She does an anointed TV show and I enjoyed being a part of it.
Those are just some of the ways that God is revealing His glorious self to us in Kenya. Our prayer is that you too are blessed with experiences of His love and glory in your lives too. We are grateful that you are along with us in this amazing journey of experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. To contribute to the wonderful work the Lord has us doing in Kenya you can do so through the donate button on this website. You’re donations are greatly appreciated as the needs are many for the ministry and everything we receives goes a long way towards the success of the projects there. Thank you very much. God bless you!