Posts in Category: Blog

“I Used to Kneel in the Sewer”

“I used to kneel in the sewer.”

That’s what one of our boys once said to me as a way of explaining his faith in God.  He was essentially saying that if God can take him from living on the street, and literally having to “kneel in the sewer,” to being in school and at the top of his class…then God can surely help him again.  Thank God that goes for all of us…He is eternally faithful, what He’s done for us in the past serves as a reminder of what He can do, and that He loves us and cares about us enough to show up divinely in our times of need, for the duration of our lives.  No problem is too big for Him, no virus or disease, or any other challenge we may face in this world.

He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
Psalm 40:2

God’s Faithfulness to Street Kids

Through our program in the Kibera slum in Nairobi we currently have 17 former street boys and one former street girl in school, plus three other former street boys who we help on a regular basis along with kids who live near us in the slum who we help with food and school supplies.  Three of our former street boys are at the top of their class, with two of them being number one and one number two, in high school. Two of them will finish high school this year. Two others continue to be a prefect (designated leader) in specific areas of their school. One of our older members who is no longer in school has been traveling with a company that performs the “set books,” or literary books, on stage throughout the country for schools. 

All of the kids are wonderful…they continue to amaze us in so many ways. God has blessed us with a wonderful family of people who have been rejected and broken but are now becoming whole in Jesus and are accepted in the Beloved and in our family. Some of the kids have been with us for almost 8 years now. It’s all a wonder to be a part of, and we thank all of you for being a part of it too! We could never help them without you, asante sana!  

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness.
Psalm 145:5-7

A New Assignment

God has even blessed us with a whole new group of street boys to minister to and hopefully see come off of the street.  We’ve been working with the previous group for about 4 years now. At least 18 of them have come off of the street (and 2 from town). Two or three of them have decided to remain on the street and have joined up with much older guys who were having them come to steal from us each time we had feeding program. 

Some of the boys from our new feeding program group, before lunch.

So we stopped for a while and prayed about what to do and within a couple of weeks the Lord guided us to a place where I met a new group of street boys, who have a base not far from our Center. They are younger and most of them don’t use drugs, which usually makes them easier to help. The new group seems to have around 10 boys who stay at the base.  We’ve resumed the feeding program for them twice per week. We disciple them as well as give food, clothing and medical care. Already two of them have asked if we can help them go to school. One of them manifested demons on his first visit to the Center so we did deliverance on him and he is much better now. They can use prayers for God to be able to restore them in all the ways He wants to.  

Lunch time with our new feeding group.

Christmas Celebrations!

Thank you very much to all who prayed for our Christmas with the kids and donated towards gifts and school fees!  We had great celebrations with food, fun and gifts for both our former and current street kids, and were able to send more kids to school this year.  Thank you so much for blessing us with that! And to those who sponsor regularly!   

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.
For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting.
Psalm 100:4-5

New Blessings at the New Year!

We were surprised at the new year with blessings from one of our first born and the company he works for now.  Simon and his co-workers spent all day cooking for us, then came in the evening with a feast and a new mekko, or gas cooker.  It’s the first one we’ve ever had at our Center. We’re so happy for him and his job and what a great surprise to receive blessings from them.  Then the next week the niece of my co-worker sent a group of her co-workers to bless us too. They came on a bus with food supplies such as bags of rice, flour, cakes, biscuits, fruit, beans and oil.  They cooked for us and played games with the street boys and former street kids. I got to preach to them all that day about Christ the Servant – it was a great time. 2020 is a year of double blessings for sure!  I pray that all of you receive double blessings and even more this year.   

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. 
Isaiah 55:9

Return to the States

This week I returned to the States where I’ll spend time with my mom and other friends and family, and speak at churches and organizations, until May.  If you would like to get together or to have me speak somewhere feel free to reach out and let me know. My new number here is 314-401-9635, and personal email is  

Asante Sana!

Thank you again for all of your support!  It really is a huge piece of what enables us to restore lives, families and destinies in Kenya!  May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you, may the Lord cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you (Numbers 6:24).   

How to Donate:

(All donations are tax-deductible for US tax payers)
By PayPal –
Online –
Checks can be sent to:
Tree of Life
P.O. Box 640
Bridgeton, MO
63044 USA

Please feel free to contact us at, or visit our website at if you have any questions, prayer requests or just want to get in touch.  We love you!  Be blessed! 
With lots of love from Above,
Tammy Donahue

Donate Today

A story of Eva ~ shining her light for the Kingdom in Kenya

Jesus said in Matthew 5 verse 14, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” If He lives inside of us then we have a heavenly light within that wants to shine. In the world in which we live there is darkness that threatens to overtake and sweep away the souls of people, into places and situations that are destructive and potentially eternally damning.

In Daniel 12:3 an angel said to Daniel, “And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven. And those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” What a glorious thing to shine so brightly. I know some people who shine brightly like what is described in this verse I believe. They seem to stand out in a crowd, have wisdom that doesn’t come from earth, but from heaven, and they have a gift of making the world around them a more loving, gentle, heavenly place. I am very grateful for such people.

One such person as this whom I am very thankful for is my friend and ministry helper, Eva. She has a great deal of insight and I’ve seen her be very effective in leading many to righteousness. She tells people about the love of God and their need for salvation in a way that people listen to her very intently and come to realize their need for a Saviour. One recent time when I was privileged to observe this, a woman decided within about three minutes to receive Jesus as her Saviour. Eva had talked to her before about salvation and this was harvesting time.

Eva grew up in Western Kenya in the Sango area. She is the second to the last born out of 14 children. 7 of the children have passed away. Her father also passed away in 2008. They were very poor growing up. They lived in a small tin house and struggled to find enough food. Oftentimes they were given just 1 meal per day to eat and sometimes that was just vegetables and maybe ugali, which is cooked white corn (maize) meal.

They also had a difficult time coming up with school fees. There wasn’t enough money for her to finish high school so 15 years after she should have graduated she returned and finished high school. Now she has also obtained a diploma from a Bible college and a certificate in ECD (Early Childhood Development). She is currently working on achieving a diploma in ECD through night school. She’s also been trained in Christian counseling.

Since October of 2010 she’s been suffering from painful fibroid cysts. In spite of, and in the midst of, her pain she’s continued her work of assisting impoverished children in Kenya attain to new heights in their lives. Since 2013 she has been helping me with the work of rehabilitating street children. She’s done a truly amazing job of finding great schools for them to attend, reconciling them with their family members, counseling alcohol addicted parents, as well as tutoring and discipling the children. And much of this while being in intense pain due to the cysts. One time she could barely make the walk home after taking some of the sponsored children in my program to school.  She is also the leader of the Kenyan branch of a Canadian drama ministry called DRIME.  They regularly perform wonderful dramas that explain the Gospel to people.





101_5439 - Copy

101_5912 (640x480) IMG_1115 - Copy (480x640) IMG_1072 - Copy (640x480) Eva on the road Eva & Martin to school Eva & kids

She has visited several doctors and had 4 ultrasounds performed. Each time the scan showed the existence of cysts, the last one showed the largest cyst is 4.5cm. We’ve learned that the doctors can perform a surgery to remove the cysts. The surgery costs 80,000 Kenyan shilling, or approximately $1000 US dollars. She has managed to raise 30,000 shilling thus far so is still in need of 50,000, or about $600 US. It is our big hope and prayer for her that she be able to have the surgery and carry on with the valuable work she’s doing for the Lord and her fellow Kenyans, without having the pain of cysts.

If anyone would like to contribute to surgery for Eva you can send tax-deductible gifts to:
Sheltering Wings
P.O. Box 29565
St. Louis, MO 63126
~just make a note on the check, or attach a note, stating that it’s for surgery for Eva

or if you don’t need a tax deduction you can send a check to:

Julie Caples
4180 Avery Lane
Bridgeton, MO 63044
~with an attached note stating what it’s for

Thank you very much. Keep shining your light in the darkness for Jesus. He’s coming back soon. May you lead many to righteousness and shine like the stars of heaven forever. God bless you!

Reaching out to the Samburu tribe

The Samburu people are a beautiful tribe of people in nothern Kenya who need to hear more about the extravagant love that the Father has for them. They are nomadic herds people who live a wonderful simple life of caring for their animals and loving their families.  They live in sall groups of huts called manyattas in a hot, dry climate.  They were born out of the Masaii tribe after fighthing within the group decades ago. Last year we took a 13 hour trip north from Nairobi to visit them and share Jesus with them.  Many there have heard the Good News of the love Father God has poured out on them though there were children I talked to who hadn’t heard.  We are hoping to take another journey there this year to tell them more about the Father’s awesome plan of redemption.  Last year we sometimes used puppets in ministering to them and they loved that, as they had not seen puppets before.  We can utilize that method again this year as well as hold crusades, camps for the children, and visit them in their homes.  Last year we were blessed to witness a wedding ceremony there, it was amazing.  And even more amazing is the love that Jesus has for His Samburu bride.  Please pray that we are able to spread more of the His love and truth to them this year.

Feeding impoverished students in the Mathare slum

One of our projects is to help feed the 400 students at Loving Concern Mission center in the Mathare slum. This slum is the second biggest in Kenya with a population of at least 500,000. Pastor Luke Wanyama has the founder of the mission, which has been in the slum for 15 years now. The school offers education to children who couldn’t otherwise afford to attend school. Even though in Kenya primary school is now “free”, there are still many fees attached that make it difficult for families in the slum to send their children to school. Especially high school which is quite expensive.


One reason the children are so happy to go to the school is because they receive lunch there. So we are happy to assist them with funds for the food to give the kids a hot lunch. The mission also hosts a medical clinic and sewing center.

Short term missions opportunity

If you have a desire to reach out to very needy children in Kenya we welcome visitors.  Come help with feeding program to street kids, teaching Bible and outreaches to various communities, slums, hospitals and schools.     If you’re interested in serving for a short time in Kenya, email me at and I’ll send you a visitor’s form.